Warning: Illegal string offset 'description' in /home/mghilezan/web/bookiseala.ro/public_html/wp-content/plugins/eshop/eshop-add-cart.php on line 69

Warning: Illegal string offset 'sku' in /home/mghilezan/web/bookiseala.ro/public_html/wp-content/plugins/eshop/eshop-add-cart.php on line 70

Warning: Illegal string offset 'optset' in /home/mghilezan/web/bookiseala.ro/public_html/wp-content/plugins/eshop/eshop-add-cart.php on line 72

Warning: Illegal string offset 'products' in /home/mghilezan/web/bookiseala.ro/public_html/wp-content/plugins/eshop/eshop-add-cart.php on line 228

Warning: Illegal string offset 'option' in /home/mghilezan/web/bookiseala.ro/public_html/wp-content/plugins/eshop/eshop-add-cart.php on line 228

Warning: Illegal string offset 'products' in /home/mghilezan/web/bookiseala.ro/public_html/wp-content/plugins/eshop/eshop-add-cart.php on line 229

Warning: Illegal string offset 'price' in /home/mghilezan/web/bookiseala.ro/public_html/wp-content/plugins/eshop/eshop-add-cart.php on line 229

Warning: number_format() expects parameter 1 to be double, string given in /home/mghilezan/web/bookiseala.ro/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 270

Warning: Illegal string offset 'shiprate' in /home/mghilezan/web/bookiseala.ro/public_html/wp-content/plugins/eshop/eshop-add-cart.php on line 273

Warning: Illegal string offset 'description' in /home/mghilezan/web/bookiseala.ro/public_html/wp-content/plugins/eshop/eshop-add-cart.php on line 274

Warning: Illegal string offset 'sku' in /home/mghilezan/web/bookiseala.ro/public_html/wp-content/plugins/eshop/eshop-add-cart.php on line 275

Terry Pratchett – Piramide

Warning: Illegal string offset 'description' in /home/mghilezan/web/bookiseala.ro/public_html/wp-content/plugins/eshop/eshop-add-cart.php on line 69

Warning: Illegal string offset 'sku' in /home/mghilezan/web/bookiseala.ro/public_html/wp-content/plugins/eshop/eshop-add-cart.php on line 70

Warning: Illegal string offset 'optset' in /home/mghilezan/web/bookiseala.ro/public_html/wp-content/plugins/eshop/eshop-add-cart.php on line 72

Warning: Illegal string offset 'products' in /home/mghilezan/web/bookiseala.ro/public_html/wp-content/plugins/eshop/eshop-add-cart.php on line 228

Warning: Illegal string offset 'option' in /home/mghilezan/web/bookiseala.ro/public_html/wp-content/plugins/eshop/eshop-add-cart.php on line 228

Warning: Illegal string offset 'products' in /home/mghilezan/web/bookiseala.ro/public_html/wp-content/plugins/eshop/eshop-add-cart.php on line 229

Warning: Illegal string offset 'price' in /home/mghilezan/web/bookiseala.ro/public_html/wp-content/plugins/eshop/eshop-add-cart.php on line 229

Warning: number_format() expects parameter 1 to be double, string given in /home/mghilezan/web/bookiseala.ro/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 270

Warning: Illegal string offset 'shiprate' in /home/mghilezan/web/bookiseala.ro/public_html/wp-content/plugins/eshop/eshop-add-cart.php on line 273

Warning: Illegal string offset 'description' in /home/mghilezan/web/bookiseala.ro/public_html/wp-content/plugins/eshop/eshop-add-cart.php on line 274

Warning: Illegal string offset 'sku' in /home/mghilezan/web/bookiseala.ro/public_html/wp-content/plugins/eshop/eshop-add-cart.php on line 275

coperta_970.gifLumea Disc, aflată la capătul îndepărtat al oricărei curbe probabilistice, atât de aproape de destrămare încât se întâmplă, adesea, ca de dincolo de perdeaua fragilă a realităţii să se strecoare sau să dea navală felurite creaturi cărora nimeni nu le duce dorul. Teppic, fiu de rege, actualmente pe cale de a-şi desăvârşi educaţia în breasla asasinilor, în uriaşul şi mizerabilul Ankh-Morpork, focar de civilizaţie şi de corupţie, nu ştie ce-l aşteaptă odată ce se va întoarce acasă, în… Djelybaby. Piramidele, câte morminte somptuoase, tot atâtea depozite de vechi credinţe, mituri şi divinităţi aflate adesea în conflict. Atenţie! Un scarabeu gigant este pe cale să devoreze soarele!

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Scris de Ilă Citilă

L-au impresionat din şcoala generală Marin Preda şi Mircea Eliade. Avea poemele lui Ginsberg în copii la indigo. Este vicepreşedinte al Asociaţiei Profesioniştilor de Relaţii Publice şi membru al American Association of Political Consultants. Coordonează blogul de cărţi BOOKISEALA.

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