- autor:Jackall, Robert
- editura:The Chicago University Press
- aparitie:2000
- nr:333
- titlu:Image Makers. Advertising, Public Relations, and the Ethos of Advocacy
- slider_style:default.css
- slide_redirect_url:http://www.bookiseala.ro/robert-jackalljanice-hirota-image-makers-advertising-public-relations-and-the-ethos-of-advocacy/55232.html
- views:14
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Talking dogs pitching ethnic food. Heart-tugging appeals for contributions. Recruitment calls for enlistment in the military. Tubthumpers excoriating American society with over-the-top rhetoric. Everywhere we turn, we are exhorted to spend money, join organizations, rally to causes, or express outrage. Image Makers is a comprehensive analysis of modern advocacyfrom commercials to public service ads to government propagandaand its roots in advertising and public relations.

L-au impresionat din şcoala generală Marin Preda şi Mircea Eliade. Avea poemele lui Ginsberg în copii la indigo. Este vicepreşedinte al Asociaţiei Profesioniştilor de Relaţii Publice şi membru al American Association of Political Consultants. Coordonează blogul de cărţi BOOKISEALA.
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